Grant Applications 101

Key Things You Need to Know Before Applying for Grants, from a true Grant Expert!

  • Have you been thinking of applying for grants to fund your startup, but don't know where to look for them?

  • Or maybe you have sent in a few applications that have not been successful yet,

  • Or you want to learn the absolute 'MUST KNOWS' When it comes to grant applications...

Whatever your experience in searching for and writing startup grant applications, never fear, help is here!

Who is this Course for

Anyone who wants to do a Successful Grant Application for Startup Funding

  • You are starting your funding journey and are thinking about applying for grants as a possible source of funding

  • You have started applying for grants, yet something is missing and you are not make the right impact in your grant application

  • You want to apply grants and don't know how to even start!

  • You are curious about what key do's and don'ts you should take into account, before applying for Grants.

  • You support or mentor entrepreneurs and want to gift this Course to your entrepreneurs, to help them progress faster and be more successful in their grant applications.

Watch Intro Video


7 Questions About Grant Funding to Paulina Sygulska Tenner, via Tech North

How This Course Will Help You

  • Get Key Information about Grants  understand what they are, how to approach grant bodies and create a successful written application
  • Understand What Grants applications are available for startups tin different countries- so you can make sure they are a good potential choice for your startup before applying/contacting them
  • Learn How to approach grant bodies Key tips from Nicole on what you need to do!
  • When NOT to apply for funding  to help you prioritise and stay focused on building your  business.j
  • Key Do's and Don'ts  - to help make sure you get this grant application stuff right!
  • How to ask for feedback 

What People Say About This Course

How likely participants are to recommend this Course? 8.4/10

"Really practical, informative course. Well worth the time. Thank you both so much." - Deirdre Lynch, Ireland

Gabriela Moscoso

Founder of Woman Career, Lima, Peru

"Content was insightful, advice was valuable, moderator really captured what the audience wanted. Overall it has been one of the best courses I’ve attended lately. The recommendations to prepare for a grant application, Paulina’s advice was really to the point and clear."

Giselle Frederick

Founder and CEO, Zingr, London, UK

"It was a great course. Grants are out there. I would have liked to hear more about the grants in other countries and target minorities"

Bonnie Fatio

Founder and Global Mentor at Inspired Women Lead!, Geneva, Switzerland

"I will be recommending this Course as I think others can benefit from it greatly. What helped me most were the concrete names of where to go for grants and the do's and don'ts for seeking a grant."

Surbhi Agarwal

CEO @ The​ Art Exotica, Ahmedabad, India

"This course was Impeccably Informative! I liked that it made funding seem easy."

What's Included

  • Exclusive Insights

    Paulina shares key insights into how to approach applying for grants, where to look for them, the right frame of mind to have when answering and much much more!

  • Flexible Learning

    We know you're busy! Building a business and learning to pitch for funding at the same time is tough. You can take the online program at your own pace, on-demand to fit best into your schedule. Access anytime.

  • Short Impactful Videos

    Where you see Paulina sharing her wisdom in key snapshots and hear participants questions that are also helpful to you.

  • Actionable Worksheet

    You get a Worksheet where you can take notes, reflect on what you've learned, plan how you'll prepare your next Grant Application and start working on it with your new insights.

  • List of Grant Organisations across the world

    Go deeper to find the right grants for you in your country region, with this ever-growing list of start-up grant organisations from around the world.

  • Course Completion Certificate

    Once you complete the Course, you will get a course completion certificate, which can be shared

Bonus Material

Sign up now, to get these extra bonuses!

  • Paulina's Top 10 Funding Tips

    Easy to read pdf with all of Paulina's key funding tips in one place, so you can take a look before you write your next grant application. (Value $47)

  • Video Interview with Paulina

    Get to know Paulina better and how her mind works thanks to this cool video interview by TechNorth.

  • GrantTree curated list of resources

    You get a downloadable Worksheet where you can take notes, reflect on what you've learned, plan how you'll adapt your pitch and start re-working your investor strategy with your new insights.

What's inside?

  1. 1
  2. 2
    • WATCH VIDEO 1 - About GrantTree and Grants 101 - Everything you need to know!

    • WATCH VIDEO 2: Key Grant Applications Answered - relevant no matter which country you are based in

    • WATCH: Video 3: Key Grant questions answered, to help you in your applications

    • WATCH: Video 4 - Key Grant Application Do's and Don'ts

  3. 3
    • How To Get Grants Worksheet - to download and capture your notes on

    • Paulina's Top 10 Tips to Help You Get Grants

    • Grant Tree 1 pager on How to Get Grants in the UK and Europe

  4. 4
    • BONUS VIDEO: 7 Questions to Paulina Sygulska Tenner - via Tech North

    • BONUS: USA: Startup Grants for Women Entrepreneurs - 11 incredible opportunities

    • BONUS - USA - Federal Grants database

    • USA: Kauffman Foundation

    • BONUS: UK - Innovate UK Grant website

    • BONUS: UK - SBRI (Small Business Research Initiative)

    • BONUS: UK - Wellcome Trust website


    • EU: European Innovation Council

    • EU - Research and Innovation Funding Programmes

    • BONUS - FRANCE -

    • BONUS: AFRICA - Terra Viva Grants Directory

    • BONUS: AFRICA The African Small Grants Programme

    • BONUS : AFRICA - Africa Grants Programme - Startup Grants

    • BONUS - INDIA - Funds for NGOs website

    • BONUS:INDIA Startup India resources

    • BONUS: SINGAPORE - Startup Grants and Funding

  5. 5
    • Congrats! Here's What's Next ...

    • Before you go...


Hosted by Anne Ravanona

Government Grant Expert

Paulina Sygulska Tenner

Paulina is an expert in: - SEIS, for early stage / pre-incorporation startups - R&D Tax Credits, for profitable and unprofitable companies spending money on development - TSB Grants, for companies considering innovative technology development projects and looking to reduce their investment risk - Patent Box, for mature companies with patent portfolios looking to reduce their tax We've learnt all the intricacies of UK Government Funding, so you don't have to. Get in touch at [email protected]

Founder Global Invest Her Speaker & Woman's Advocate

Anne Ravanona

I’m passionate about closing the $1Trillion Funding Gap for women entrepreneurs. I directly advise several startups on their funding strategy, work with accelerators, government bodies to help them support female founders and have been a judge on several pitch competitions. I also consult with corporates on gender diversity. During my 25 year career, I have successfully pitched and won global multi-million dollar contracts with Fortune 500 companies and international organisations (pitching mostly to men!). As a woman's advocate, I speak internationally at tech and startup conferences on this topic to raise awareness about unconscious bias and the challenges for female founders raising funds, including at TEDx. I write for the Huffington Post, Medium, Linked In about Trailblazing Women (entrepreneurs, investors and leaders) and the global funding ecosystem for women entrepreneurs.

Only $197 (value $297)

Get inside the head of Grant Assessors and Write Grant Applications that work

  • $197.00

    How to Get Grants Course, with Paulina SygulskaTenner


  • How many times can I access my Course?

    You have unlimited access to your Course for a maximum of 12 Months from your date of purchase.

  • Should I complete the Lessons in sequence?

    We have organised the videos so you can learn in sequence, as each video builds on the previous part of the conversation, so we recommend you watch them in sequence. However, you can print the documents and watch the bonuses at any time!

  • What's included in the Course?

    Each Course, has short videos, a worksheet, their Top 10 Tips and other cool bonuses, so you can really get to know about Grants and learn more about how grant bodies and assessors think - directly from a key international Expert!

  • Can I contact the Paulina directly?

    Yes! She'd be delighted to hear from you. Check out our email in the Instructor Bio section.

Only $197 (value $297)

Get investor-ready faster, with these insider insights!

  • $197.00

    How to Get Grants - Key Tips, Tricks and Tactics to get your Grants

    Enroll Now


Finding the right grant and writing an effective impactful application is a skill that will serve you forever!

This Course is about improving your ability to target and approach grant bodies quickly and effectively.

Because, quite simply, if you can convince key grant institutions to invest in you, you can FREE MONEY!

This Course gives you a powerful toolkit, full of actionable key tips you can use to tailor your search for the right grant and write applications that win!

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