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See Sam in Action and learn about Europe's Deeptech scene

Who is this Masterclass for

Entrepreneurs, Startup Mentors, Students, anyone who wants to learn directly from Investors about What They Look For before Investing!

  • You are starting your funding journey and want to learn more about what Investors look for before investing in you.

  • You have started targeting Investors, yet something is missing and you are not talking to the right people.

  • You want to apply to Techstars for one of their programs and possibly funding and want to get insider insights to prepare better.

  • You are curious about what key do's and don'ts you should take into account, before contacting investors.

  • You support or mentor entrepreneurs and want to gift this Masterclass to your entrepreneurs, to help them progress faster re funding.

How This MasterClass Will Help You

  • Get Key Information about Elaia VC - one the Top 10 VC funds in France and Europe (focused on B2B Deeptech)   who they are, how they are set up and who they invest in.
  • Understand What Elaia looks for in startups that apply - so you can make sure they are a good potential choice for your startup before applying/contacting them
  • Learn How to approach an investor Key tips from Samantha on what you need to do and what not to do.
  • Get Advice about what kind of traction they look for
  • What she thinks about Business Plans so you know what to do (and not to do!)
  • When is the best time to fundraise? to help you plan your fundraising campaign
  • What she looks for in the first meeting - so you can prepare for it
  • Key Patterns she looks for in startups they invest in- make sure you know this before seeing her!
  • How to become a VC

What People Say About this Masterclass

On average, 9 out of 10 Participants say they would recommend this Masterclass to others!

Tracey Blake

Founder & CEO of Student Nannies Ltd, UK

" I did really enjoy the chat and it was great being able to pose questions during the session. Sam gave really practical advice and I think Anne did a great job hosting. Go Ladies!"

Mariana Bodiu

Founder of Soul Botox, London, UK

"Thank you for this masterclass. It's great to hear from someone I can look up to. You cannot imagine how cool it is to meet someone talking 'real'.Thanks Sam, you're pure living awesomeness!"

Surayya Taranum

Entrepreneur First cohort member, Paris, France

"Thank you for this fabulous masterclass and Sam for all the funding insights."

Clara Bessiere

Co-founder, Resquid , Paris, France

"Great insights and tips, Sam was a great speaker, honest, simple, and positive.Thank you so much. We do need this kind of discussion in France."

What's Included

  • Exclusive Insights

    Sam shares key insights into how she and other investors think, how to approach investors, what to do with your business plan and so much more!

  • Flexible Learning

    We know you're busy! Building a business and learning to pitch for funding at the same time is tough. You can take the online program at your own pace, on-demand to fit best into your schedule. Access anytime, on any device!

  • Short Impactful Videos

    Where you see Sam sharing her wisdom in key snapshots and hear participants questions that are also helpful to you.

Bonus Material

Sign up now, to get these extra bonuses!

  • Sam's Top 10 Funding Tips

    Easy to read pdf with all of Nicole's key funding tips in one place, so you can take a look before you have your next investor meeting! (Value $20)

  • Articles about key companies in Elaia's portfolio

    To help you see which companies were successful in getting funded, and where they are now + an update about Elaia's latest Fund 4 called Elaia Delta.

  • Actionable Worksheet

    You get a downloadable Worksheet where you can take notes, reflect on what you've learned, plan how you'll adapt your pitch and start re-working your investor strategy with your new insights.

Masterclass Content

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
    • Sam Jerusalmy Masterclass Worksheet - to download and capture your notes on

    • Samantha's Top 10 Funding Tips for You

  4. 4
    • Short Video Interview with Sam Jerusalmy - Elaia - Europe as a new home of “deep tech"

    • Funding Calendar: Keep track of your next Funding Actions (Printable)

    • Bonus: Article about Tiny Clues investment (mentioned in her videos)

    • Bonus: The story behind Fretlink - the quickest investment we ever made!

  5. 5
    • Congrats! Here's What's Next ...

    • Before you go...


Hosted by Anne Ravanona

Partner, Elaïa Partners

Samantha Jerusalmy

Samantha joined Elaia Partners in 2008. She began her career as a consultant at Eurogroup, a consulting firm specialised in organisation and strategy, within the Bank and Finance division. She then joined Clipperton Finance, a corporate finance firm dedicated to high-tech growth companies, before moving to Elaia Partners in 2008. She became an Investment Manager in 2011 then a Partner in 2014. Education: EDHEC Business School, Schulich Business School of Toronto (Bachelor), Loyola University of Chicago (MBA) Expertise: SaaS, Marketplace, Digital Media, Mobile, AI Learn more Learn more about Sam & Elaia Partners on her LinkedIn, follow her on Twitter @Sjerusalmy

Founder Global Invest Her Speaker & Woman's Advocate

Anne Ravanona

I’m passionate about closing the $1Trillion Funding Gap for women entrepreneurs. I directly advise several startups on their funding strategy, work with accelerators, government bodies to help them support female founders and have been a judge on several pitch competitions. I also consult with corporates on gender diversity. During my 25 year career, I have successfully pitched and won global multi-million dollar contracts with Fortune 500 companies and international organisations (pitching mostly to men!). As a woman's advocate, I speak internationally at tech and startup conferences on this topic to raise awareness about unconscious bias and the challenges for female founders raising funds, including at TEDx. I write for the Huffington Post, Medium, Linked In about Trailblazing Women (entrepreneurs, investors and leaders) and the global funding ecosystem for women entrepreneurs.

Only $147 (value $297)

Get inside the head of a real investor, so you can better pitch future investors!

  • $97.00

    Investor Masterclass with Samantha Jerusalmy, Elaia


  • How many times can I access my Masterclass?

    You have unlimited access to your Masterclass for a maximum of 12 Months from your date of purchase.

  • Should I complete the Lessons in sequence?

    We have organised the videos so you can learn in sequence, as each video builds on the previous part of the conversation, so we recommend you watch them in sequence. However, you can print the documents and watch the bonuses at any time!

  • What's included in the Masterclass?

    Each Investor Masterclass, has short videos, a worksheet, their Top 10 Tips and other cool bonuses, so you can really get to know the investor and learn more about how investors think - directly from them!

  • Can I contact the Investor directly?

    Where the investor publicly shares their email address, we provide it too, so you can contact them. Remember though, that every interaction counts and do your homework on researching them and making sure they invest in your sector/stage before reaching out!

Only $147 (value $297)

Get investor-ready faster, with these insider insights!

  • $97.00

    Investor Masterclass with Samantha Jerusalmy (Elaia)

    Enroll Now


Finding the right investor and learning how to approach them are key skills when raising money.

This Masterclass is about improving your ability to target and approach investors quickly and effectively.

Because, quite simply, if you can convince key investors to invest in you, you can get access to more resources you need to grow your business.

This Masterclass gives you a powerful toolkit, full of actionable key tips you can use to tailor your search for the right investor.

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